Shredfest XI Wrapup

ShredFest 11 Wrapup

Raised For Heart Support During ShredFest XI
$ 0

ShredFest XI has come to an end and what a fantastic festival it was! The festival was held on Twitch and featured a variety of talented musicians playing their favorite songs in Rocksmith. Not only was it a great opportunity for the musicians to showcase their skills and to bring the awesome Rocksmith community together on twitch, but it was also an amazing opportunity to support a great cause.

In total, we were able to raise $2,250 for Heart Support, a charity organization founded by Jake Luhrs of August Burns Red. Heart Support is a non-profit organization that provides mental health support and resources to those who need it. They offer a variety of services, including online support groups, one-on-one chats with volunteers, and resources for self-care. Whether you’re in a very dark place mental, having relapsed, or even at your highest points, they are there for YOU.

At ShredFest XI, we were fortunate to have some amazing performances from talented musicians. It was a great mix of classic and modern rock, metal, and even some Punk songs. The audience was engaged and supportive, and it was truly a community effort to make the event a success.

If you missed ShredFest XI, don’t worry, you can always catch up on the recordings on our YouTube channel(once they are uploaded). And, if you’re interested in participating in future ShredFests or just want to hang out with other musicians, we highly recommend joining our Discord server. It’s a great place to connect with others who share your passion for music & rocksmith.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who participated in and supported ShredFest XI. It was an amazing event, and we couldn’t have done it without the Rocksmith community. We hope to see you all at the next ShredFest, and we look forward to continuing to support Heart Support and their important work. We can’t wait for 🌈Shredfest for pride in June so keep your eyes peeled!

Shredfest XI Participants

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